The first purple post
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There are days when I really hope there’s an afterlife. Days when I feel like hell warmed over, usually from listening to CNN while I paint. Life is getting harder and harder it seems. And I admit that I am one of Earth’s luckier inhabitants, at least for now. The local news is really bad- filled with missing children, perversion, murder and corruption night after night. My dreams have become a series of nightmares every night. I wonder why.
I don’t know why I don’t go to church anymore, since I really could use a good dose of religion. I guess the aftermath of guilt developed from a Catholic upbringing and the nasty taste I have in my mouth for the fundamentalist Christianity I embraced in the nineties prior to the Bush debacle have made me weary of it all. I could never be a Muslim, however, or a Jew, (if there’s a God, I’m betting on Jesus), or one of those New Agers that talks to rocks and grows crystals. So where does that leave me? Depressed mostly.
Speaking of the Bush debacle, it’s official. Poor Joe Lieberman has become another casualty of Bush’s radioactivity.
Since I wrote about the primary in a couple of my past posts, here’s how I feel about his defeat.
I think that Ned Lamont’s victory (with the accompanying media frenzy surrounding the primary in general) has definitely sent the Democratic Party into the wilderness. I personally think it’s assured another GOP victory in 2008. Why so negative? Because as a person who is vehemently against the war and George Bush, I nevertheless can also say that I will always be a moderate in values. I could never align myself totally to the radical politics of the George Sorros and Jesse Jackson crowd that backed the multi-millionaire any more than I would align myself with the Ann Coulters and Pat Robertsons that make up the Republican Taliban. This in spite of the fact that watching George Bush talk on TV either sends me into the bathroom to vomit, or to the floor in fits of laughter over his idiocy.
So if I refuse to join the fringe festivals, where does that leave me? In the wilderness, my friends… in the wilderness. Although I am closer in values to the Democratic Party’s way of thinking, if I am forced to choose between a Hillary Clinton and a John McCain in 2008, I’ll vote for McCain. Hillary can disguise herself as a moderate all she wants. She’ll never fool me, even if she were to don a Condelezza Rice recycled Barcalounger suit. And although I respect Hillary’s intellect tremendously, I don’t trust her integrity and never will. Intuition. It's just intuition.
Personally, I think it’s high time we had a successful third party in this country.A purple voice so to speak. One that melds the best of the red and blue voices together and represents a moderate American like myself. In fact, I think a McCain/Lieberman Independent ticket would be a real winner for folks like myself who are currently disgusted with both sides. Bedazzled, my blogging buddy and a staunch Bush supporter agreed it would be a helluva ticket in terms of sending a message to both parties. Anyone else on board? By the way, in case you didn't get it, the color purple results when you put blue and red together...
Hmmm… how to get that going? I think I'll start another blog and try to find out if I am on the right track or not. The Purple Voice it shall be!
Vote Joe November 4th!
Technorati tags:
Joe Lieberman, Ned Lamont, Connecticut, Democratic Party
There are days when I really hope there’s an afterlife. Days when I feel like hell warmed over, usually from listening to CNN while I paint. Life is getting harder and harder it seems. And I admit that I am one of Earth’s luckier inhabitants, at least for now. The local news is really bad- filled with missing children, perversion, murder and corruption night after night. My dreams have become a series of nightmares every night. I wonder why.
I don’t know why I don’t go to church anymore, since I really could use a good dose of religion. I guess the aftermath of guilt developed from a Catholic upbringing and the nasty taste I have in my mouth for the fundamentalist Christianity I embraced in the nineties prior to the Bush debacle have made me weary of it all. I could never be a Muslim, however, or a Jew, (if there’s a God, I’m betting on Jesus), or one of those New Agers that talks to rocks and grows crystals. So where does that leave me? Depressed mostly.
Speaking of the Bush debacle, it’s official. Poor Joe Lieberman has become another casualty of Bush’s radioactivity.
Since I wrote about the primary in a couple of my past posts, here’s how I feel about his defeat.
I think that Ned Lamont’s victory (with the accompanying media frenzy surrounding the primary in general) has definitely sent the Democratic Party into the wilderness. I personally think it’s assured another GOP victory in 2008. Why so negative? Because as a person who is vehemently against the war and George Bush, I nevertheless can also say that I will always be a moderate in values. I could never align myself totally to the radical politics of the George Sorros and Jesse Jackson crowd that backed the multi-millionaire any more than I would align myself with the Ann Coulters and Pat Robertsons that make up the Republican Taliban. This in spite of the fact that watching George Bush talk on TV either sends me into the bathroom to vomit, or to the floor in fits of laughter over his idiocy.
So if I refuse to join the fringe festivals, where does that leave me? In the wilderness, my friends… in the wilderness. Although I am closer in values to the Democratic Party’s way of thinking, if I am forced to choose between a Hillary Clinton and a John McCain in 2008, I’ll vote for McCain. Hillary can disguise herself as a moderate all she wants. She’ll never fool me, even if she were to don a Condelezza Rice recycled Barcalounger suit. And although I respect Hillary’s intellect tremendously, I don’t trust her integrity and never will. Intuition. It's just intuition.
Personally, I think it’s high time we had a successful third party in this country.A purple voice so to speak. One that melds the best of the red and blue voices together and represents a moderate American like myself. In fact, I think a McCain/Lieberman Independent ticket would be a real winner for folks like myself who are currently disgusted with both sides. Bedazzled, my blogging buddy and a staunch Bush supporter agreed it would be a helluva ticket in terms of sending a message to both parties. Anyone else on board? By the way, in case you didn't get it, the color purple results when you put blue and red together...
Hmmm… how to get that going? I think I'll start another blog and try to find out if I am on the right track or not. The Purple Voice it shall be!
Vote Joe November 4th!
Technorati tags:
Joe Lieberman, Ned Lamont, Connecticut, Democratic Party
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